Take Charge of Your Diabetes


The Community Diabetes Coalition of Champaign County is offering 6 weeks of free workshops at Christie Clinic for people who have Type II diabetes or have had a diagnosis of pre-diabetes. Type II diabetes affects more than 11,000 adults in Champaign County.

Take Charge of Your Diabetes uses The Stanford University Patient Education Research Center’s Diabetes Self-Management Program which has a successful track record of changing lives. Sessions are taught by trained class leaders who have experience with diabetes.  Participants will set their own goals and make a step-by-step plan to improve their health.

Free workshops will be held for the next 6 Wednesdays from 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm at Christie Clinic on Windsor (1801 W. Windsor Rd., Champaign, IL 61822).

The schedule is as follows:

Wednesday, April 25

Wednesday, May 2

Wednesday, May 9

Wednesday, May 16

Wednesday, May 23

Wednesday, May 30

These workshops are funded by the Illinois Department of Public Health Diabetes Prevention and Control Program.  Spaces are limited. Parking is free. 

It is recommended that a workshop have a minimum of 10 participants. The participant may bring a spouse or family member, significant other, or anyone who is helping with the care of the participant.

When mismanaged, diabetes can lead to devastating consequences for individuals and their families such as amputations, nerve problems, blindness, heart disease, kidney failure, stroke, periphery artery disease and more.

About Community Diabetes Coalition

Members include American Diabetes Association, Avicenna, Carle, Champaign County Christian Health Center, Champaign Urbana Public Health District, Christie Clinic, East Central Illinois Area Agency on Aging, Family Service of Champaign County, Frances Nelson Health Center, Provena Center for Healthy Aging, Provena Home Health Services, SmileHealthy, University of Illinois Center for Health, Aging & Disability, and the U of I Extension.