Default Page Infusion Center Patient Experience Survey How would you rate your ability to contact the Infusion Center? 1 = Very Hard2 = Hard3 = Neutral4 = Easy5 = Very Easy How satisfied were you with your care team and how they explained your plan of care? 1 = Very Unsatisfied2 = Unsatisfied3 = Neutral4 = Satisfied5 = Very Satisfied Were all of your questions addressed by your care team? Yes No Was your care team prompt and courteous in their actions? Yes No Overall, how would you rate your satisfaction with your visit? 1 = Very Unsatisfied2 = Unsatisfied 3 = Neutral4 = Satisfied5 = Very Satisfied Please feel free to leave any additional feedback here. I'd like to be contacted regarding my recent visit. If you'd like to be contacted, please list your name. If you'd like to be contacted, please list your contact information (phone or email).