Christie Clinic Transformations Medical Weight Loss Program Now Offering IdealSmart


Christie Clinic’s Transformations Medical Weight Loss Program is pleased to announce they are now offering IdealSmart. IdealSmart is a personalized Lifestyle Building assistant designed to help achieve weight loss goals.

IdealSmart has three components; mobile app, web portal and smart devices.

Mobile App and Web Portal Features

  • Real-time progress tracking
  • Meal, hydration and supplement journaling
  • Daily support videos
  • Device integration

Band Tracking

  • Steps, distance and active time
  • Calories burned
  • Sleep time

Scale Measurements

  • Body fat percentage
  • Weight and Body Mass Index (BMI)
  • Hydration

The IdealSmart app is free and available for download in the app store, or you can register on the web portal for free. Smart devices are available for purchase at Christie Clinic.

To learn more about IdealSmart, call the department of Transformations Medical Weight Loss visit