Champaign County Medical Society (CCMS) President, Dr. Shamim Sadiq, presented area physicians with the Society’s annual Physician Champion Award at its Fall Membership Meeting held on Thursday, September 13th at I Hotel & Conference Center in Champaign. The awards are presented each year to CCMS members who make a difference with their generous contributions of time and expertise.
Dr. Dave Ramkumar, a gastroenterologist at Christie Clinic, was recognized with the Community Service Award for being a role model for environmental stewardship through his achievements in the Master Gardener program and his award-winning documentary film about the success of a community garden benefiting at-risk children, as well as for his volunteering of his time in the care of under-served patients in Antigua. He was also recognized for the excellence he has consistently demonstrated as a role model and mentor in graduate medical education teaching and supervising residents in the clinical setting.
Champaign County Medical Society is a not for profit organization designed and established to promote the health and general welfare of the citizens of Champaign County, Illinois; to protect the rights and interests of the medical profession; to encourage the development and dissemination of knowledge as it pertains to all branches of the art and science of Medicine; to bring into one organization the physicians of Champaign County, to cultivate a true fraternal spirit among them; and to operate as a component Society of the Illinois State Medical Society.
Contact: Vada Repta, Executive Director;