Agreement with Molina Managed Care (Medicaid)


We are pleased to announce that Christie Clinic has signed an agreement for participation in Molina Managed Care (Medicaid). Specifically, Christie Clinic is participating in:

  • The HealthChoice Illinois program which includes the Family Health Plan (FHP), Integrated Care Plan (ICP) and Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) products.
  • The Medicare-Medicaid Program (MMAI)

Molina will be loading Christie Clinic providers into their system over the next few weeks with a target of May 1 for a complete load. Look for more information to come about the process for selecting a Christie Clinic provider 1) if you have already selected a PCP with another Molina entity or 2) you have already selected or been assigned to another MCO.

For now, if you have selected Molina as your MCO, then you will have the opportunity to switch to a Christie Clinic primary care provider should you wish to do so and capacity permitting. Molina expects to have forms available to accommodate that change and expects to provide coverage for any primary care visits that occur while Christie Clinic is officially integrated into Molina’s managed care system within the next few weeks. If you have selected another MCO, then you should see your currently selected/assigned primary care provider. We will have more information shortly about the specialty care visits that are scheduled during this short transition period.

If you have any questions, please visit