Melanoma Monday - Free Spot Checks


In observance of Melanoma Awareness Month, Christie Clinic’s Department of Dermatology will be hosting free spot checks on Monday, May 6th from 8am-5pm in the lower level at the Main Clinic at 101 West University Avenue in Champaign. This event, referred to as Melanoma Monday, will be an opportunity to raise awareness of melanoma and other types of skin cancer and to encourage early detection through self-exams.

Skin cancer is one of the most curable diseases, if detected early. A spot check is not a total examination, but a screening of specific areas of concern where providers will check for suspicious spots.

During your visit, you will receive a free spot check by a dermatology provider, learn how to protect your skin and find out about the danger signs of skin cancer. Free snacks and sunscreen will be available for participants.

Registration is required, and early registration is suggested to reserve your space. To schedule your appointment, visit online scheduling at (Dermatologist/Dermatology Main/Free Skin Checks)